
UX Word of the Day: Information Hierarchy

Unless they’re teenagers, people actually like being told what to do—or at minimum, where to begin. It creates confidence. It makes them comfortable.

Here’s one simple UX concept that will immediately boost your audience’s confidence and help them feel good about your website or brand experience.

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15 Ways to Improve the UX of Your Podcast

No one was more surprised than me to find out that podcasting is a… thing.

Didn’t podcasting die out back in the mid-2000s? Whenever I conducted user interviews back then, NO ONE ever listened to podcasts.

But then in 2014, I added the “do you listen to podcasts?” question back to my discussion guide template. And to my surprise, I’ve since interviewed lots of people who regularly listen to podcasts. Not only that, but most people I know in real-life listen, too.

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June UX Is Five Years Old

This post is dedicated to my dad, entrepreneur and business owner for the past 40 years. And now, newly retired. In those 40 years, I heard the harrowing stories during the “lean years” and witnessed first-hand the struggles, sacrifices, and heartache of being self-employed. And yet, I did it anyway—with eyes wide open and the willingness to do whatever it takes. Entrepreneurship is wholly part of who I am, and am forever grateful. Congrats on your retirement, Dad! 

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