
Rethinking Retailer Customer Loyalty Programs

Do coupons and points create real customer loyalty? Or do they just teach customers to wait for discounts?

Rather than building loyalty programs based on frequency or spend, more retailers should leverage the mountains of data they already have about their customers to create personalized in-store and online experiences.

How might a clothing retailer orchestrate a different kind of loyalty program that captures a larger share of their target customers’ wallets?

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UX Case Study: Landing Page Trust Cues

Whenever I can, I experiment with new UX research methods and UX research share-outs.

And every once in awhile… I discover an unexpected by-product during my experimentation. This time, I was pleased to uncover accessibility insights in addition to answering my original research question: “what makes a website trustworthy or credible?”

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What to Do When A/B Testing No Longer Yields Results

Why aren’t people completing your lead gen form or buying?

If you’ve been optimizing your landing pages and experimenting with marketing offers, but see flat or minimal gains, it might be time to talk to your audience and get inside their heads.

There are several different ways to figure out why your landing page is repelling your prospects or how to pivot your strategy.

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What Separates Mid-Level UX Designers from Senior UX Designers?

What are the key differences between a junior, mid-level, and senior UX designer?

I think most people agree that years of experience has little correlation with level of talent. Paired with the right mentor, grit, and tenacity, I can easily imagine a junior designer quickly becoming a star performer.

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Museums Need a Customer Experience Revolution

UX is everywhere, even museums.

Upon visiting a third museum in Washington DC, it struck me that museums don’t seem to be designed with CX principles in mind.

As much as I enjoy learning about history, politics, and science — and exploring museums—I was mostly disappointed with my experiences. There were definitely several high points, but as a whole? {Shrug.}

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Customer Journey Mapping in 5 Steps

A customer journey map (CJM) is a powerful communication tool.

Like a user flow on steroids—a journey map visualizes the path a customer takes to get from point A to point B, their obstacles, thought process, emotions, and how or where they completed each activity.

Here is my 5-step process for creating a research-based customer journey map:

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