Category: Usability Testing
How I Remote Mobile Usability Test
Until a better mousetrap is invented, my preferred method for conducting a remote mobile usability study is using Zoom and the “laptop hug” method. Almost everyone has a laptop these days (it seems like it anyway) — which handily includes a built-in webcam.
You’re Invited to a Usability Study Demo [May 2, 2014]
If you’ve never watched a usability study before — or you want to show someone on your team (or boss!) the enormous value that usability testing can bring to your organization — you are invited to attend a usability demo Friday, May 2, 2014 at noon (CST). The usability demo will last one hour and is free. … Continue reading “You’re Invited to a Usability Study Demo [May 2, 2014]”
The 5-Step Process I Use to Plan & Conduct Usability Studies
Over the past 15 years, I have conducted more than 400 usability tests on types of sites and apps. Here is my process. My process for planning and conducting a usability study from start to finish includes 5 steps: Discovery Recruiting & Scheduling Script Development Facilitation Analysis & Findings Below is a brief overview of each … Continue reading “The 5-Step Process I Use to Plan & Conduct Usability Studies”
Confusing, Incomplete Content Creates the Most Usability Issues
If you haven’t witnessed a usability study before, you may have wondered what types of issues test participants find, and how many issues they typically uncover. 5 issues? 50 issues? 500 issues? Gulp. Of the 100+ issues I uncover in a typical usability study, more than one-third are content-related. Types of Usability Issues I conducted my … Continue reading “Confusing, Incomplete Content Creates the Most Usability Issues”